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In Stores Now!The Nature’s Best / Stump Chunks™ Story

In the northern climate of New England, hardwood trees grow slower than in warmer parts of America. This slow growth creates an almost double-density wood which contains more BTU (heat) per cubic inch than hardwoods in many other parts of America. More heat means faster starting!

For hundreds of years, New Englanders have forested these super dense trees to make everything from ships’ masts to houses, often leaving behind tree stumps that littered the landscape and served no purpose.

Now, for the first time, Nature’s Best new technology has found a way to harvest and convert these stumps into an amazing and revolutionary type of quick-light fire starter called Stump Chunks™.

Stump Chunks, an all-natural, E-Z light fire starter, is made by creating a unique blend of open weave New England hardwood and softwood. This special structure creates a blast-furnace effect when lit, giving you impressively fast lighting.

Best of all, even though this is an all-natural wood product, no trees are ever cut down expressly to make this product. Stump Chunks is the ultimate environmentally friendly product utilizing a long forgotten source of energy….high density, naturally aged tree stumps.

Now in stores! Please CLICK HERE for an updated list of purchase locations.

Fire Starter

Easy as 1-2-3!

M-R Wood Recycling/Nature's Best - 29 Scobie Pond Road, Derry, NH 03038