M-R Wood / Nature's Best of New Hampshire

Disposal - Stumps, Brush and Logs

Our convenient location near I-93, exit 5 is ideal for those customers who want to haul to us themselves. We can accept stumps, brush and logs. Effective 5/9/2022, Our per load pricing is as follows, and may be adjusted upon inspection of your loads:

  • Pickup Trucks - Bushes, Branches, Stumps - $50
  • One-Tons - Bushes, Branches, Stumps - $150
  • 6-Wheelers - Branches, Stumps - $150
  • 10-Wheelers and Tri-Axles - $250
  • 30-40 YD Trailers - $400
  • 30-40 YD Trailers/Dumpsters w/ Barn Doors - $650
  • 60-80 YD Trailers - $800
  • 100 YD Trailers - $1000

    Please note: No hazardous materials, railroad ties, telephone poles, tires, metal, trash, plastic, paper, cups, etc - We reserve the right to charge double for loads containing those items.

      Copyright © 2017 - M-R Wood Recycling / Nature’s Best, 29 Scobie Pond Road, P.O. Box 429, Derry, NH 03038 - Website by eBlast Media